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Are you afraid of having too much traffic in your tradeshow booth?

Okay, so we already know that Body Painting draws A LOT of attention.

But in the Trade Show arena, is there a such thing TOO MUCH attention?

I'm talking GAWKERS. Tire kickers. Looky-loos. Trolls.

Those attendees who are NOT your target prospects, but are taking up valuable space in your booth. Maybe they're there for your free pens or tee shirts, maybe they're checking out the magician you've hired to edutain your prospects, or perhaps they're having colored wires twisted into their names.... but they have no interest in your company or what you're selling.

If you have anything remotely fun or interesting lined up to draw traffic to your booth, you will inevitably end up with your fair share of non-customers who let you scan their badges to get in on the action. So what can you do? Should you A) make your booth as bland and boring as possible in an effort to vet your audience? Or should you B) make your exhibit entertainment choice both RELEVANT and EYE CATCHING? (Hint- I recommend "B".)

Here is where the benefits of Body Paint


really start to SHINE:

1. Attendees who are drawn in by the Body Painting- whether they are your target audience or not- WILL take photos or selfies with the models. They will post those photos across social media. They will share the photos with friends, business associates, and team members. REMEMBER- THESE PHOTOS CONTAIN YOUR BRANDING MESSAGE. Your message has just exploded way beyond the walls of the exhibition hall- and it's the attendees who have done the work FOR you.

2. Body paint is obviously visual. The more senses you can engage in your prospects, the more deeply they will understand and internalize your message. And while a well designed banner is also visual, it will probably only get a fraction of a second of attention. A living, breathing model who is painted- or is in the PROCESS OF GETTING PAINTED- will get a long look, and a second look, and a third. Your message now has a better chance of sinking in and being remembered.

3. Even the best messages can take up to 9 impressions to be acknowledged. With live body paint demos going on throughout the day, attendees will inevitably make plans to revisit your booth several times to see the progress. This often has the curious side-effect of turning gawkers into prospects who start LOOKING for reasons to need your product or servcice (or digging through their network to find someone esle who does). Each time they return, they will be bringing more colleagues with them- more chances to turn oglers into opportunities.

So here you have a choice.

You can choose to "build a wall" and exclude everyone but your narrowly defined target audience.

Or you can open the floodgates to potential customers in sectors you hadn't considered,

to letting attendees create a social media buzz storm for you,

and to brand recognition and message retention beyond anything you've measured before.

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