So what can Body Masterpiece do for you that imprinted stress balls can't?
In your booth, we deliver maximum value
For the price of one attraction, you get a laundry list of benefits.
While they're being painted, the spectacle draws crowds.
When the painting is finished, they also provide your:
• in-booth entertainment
- our models are also multi-talented circus artists
• high impact signage
- your logo, branding, message, or product is on a living,
moving, interacting, person
• booth greeters / brand ambassadors
- our models' performance background means they're always
warm and smiling, skilled at interacting with guests,
adept at delivering your core message with flair,
and enthusiastic about making your prospects feel comfortable
• traffic magnets / crowd builders
- whether getting painted or interacting with prospects,
interactive performers painted with your branding give attendees a reason
to stay at your booth LONGER and even come back with their colleagues
Beyond the exhibit hall, the value keeps on coming!

• attract them to your booth before the show even starts
- most attendees plan in advance which booths they want to visit.
We can create a short teaser video for your website and social media channels, giving attendees a pre-show sneak peek and putting your booth at the top of their "must-visit" list.
• brand / message retention
- You know how it is... after a whirlwind few days at a conference,
90% of the booths you've seen have faded into a blur. Only something that has touched people in a deeper way- as art does- is going to be truly memorable.
• social media buzz
- back at home, the imprinted Yo-Yo, the free pen, and the keychain from your competitors end up in a junk drawer.
But visitors to YOUR booth can't wait to post and share
the pics they took with your brand-painted model

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words